Sunday, September 24, 2017

We all have a role to play

I'm inspired by the solidarity among NFL teams today as they took a stand for justice:

The Golden State Warriors also took a stand this weekend:

I was also inspired this week by Jimmy Kimmel's stand on health care:

It's a great reminder that we can always make a difference within our sphere of influence!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

"Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words."

There's a line in Macklemore's song Wednesday Morning that says "Got my daughter in my arms and he [Trump] is not gonna raise her," and it's been the refrain in my head all week. I keep thinking about how although I may not have my own daughter, I am living the dream of working with 350+ girls as they discover their voices and their power. I believe that although the world is sharing with them too many messages of fear and hate, my colleagues and I send a much stronger message through our love and we graduate young people who know how to share their love with the world. That is the peace I am holding onto. 

Friday, September 8, 2017


I had a week that made me feel magical because I

- helped organize a discussion and action in response to Charlottesville for high school students
- got appointed to the General Committee of the Friends Committee on National Legislation
- helped plan the orientation and retreat for a Friends School Board of Trustees I'm on
- wrote a book review for Friends Journal
- supported students doing a presentation on models and opportunities for solidarity in connection with Hurricane Harvey
- did meaningful work in my Genocide Studies class, connecting history with current events and putting the students' first projects up on the classroom walls
- helped to coordinate a video for International Peace Day
- got in some quality workouts and meditations

Each day was meaningful. I am ever grateful for work that matters, both professionally and personally.